23 / 01 / 2010 Cumartesi
NEO-DISCOTHEQUE // Ahmet Musluoğlu – Seren Alpaslan

Ahmet Musluoğlu ve Seren Alpsan’ın kurduğu ve yaklaşık 20 yıldır çeşitli mekânlarda indie/new wave konsepti ile parti ve konser düzenleyen neo-discotheque, 1980-2010 arası neo-disco hitlerinden bir demet sunacak. Kabinde Ahmet & Seren, kulaklarda ise New Order, Smiths, Echo & the Bunnymen, Simple Minds, Cut Copy, Metronomy, Client, Hot Chip olacak.
Founded by Ahmet and Seren, Neo-Discotheque has been organising indie/new wave parties and concerts in various bars and venues for two decades. This time they hit arkaoda with their DJ Set; a selection of neo-disco hits from 1980 to 2010!
